Filing a claim with your insurance provider is a very simple process.  We have found that it is best for homeowners to file their claim while their contractor is at their home so that any questions can be answered right then and there.

Here are the steps to filing a claim-

  1. Determine if your roof or home has damage.  (Have a member of our team inspect the roof so you dont waste your time filing a claim when there is no damage.)
  2. Call your insurance companies 800 number for their claims department.
  3. Your insurance company will ask you a few simple questions to verify that your the homeowner
  4. They will ask you about the type of damage and when it occured. (If you dont know exactly what day thats okay, they’ll pick one based on recent storms in your area.)
  5. The Insurance company will assign you a claim number.  Write it down!
  6. An adjuster in your area will call you back to schedule a time to inspect your home. (Schedule the appointment for a time you can be there)
  7. Inform a member of our team so we can be there to meet your adjuster.

Assuming your insurance company approves the replacement of your roof, all you’ll do during the entire process is call and file the claim, be at your home when the adjuster comes so they can give you their report, and pick a color of shingle for your new roof.  Our team will handle the rest!